


1. 入學信(影本1份)/Admission Letter (1 copy)

2. 2張2吋照片/2-inch Photos (2 copies)

3. 護照 (影本4份)/Passport (4 copies) 

4. VISA (影本4份)/VISA (4 copies)

5. 最高學歷畢業證書驗證本 (影本1份)/Verified copy of the highest education diploma (1 copy)

6. 最高學歷成績單驗證本 (影本1份)/Verified copy of the highest education grades transcript (1 copy)

7. 華測證書 (影本1份)/Proof of language proficiency (Chinese)(1 copy) / NB : there is no need for other region students beside Vietnamese students to attach the proficiency certificate if they have never done the test before

8. 健康檢查報告(正本1份)/Health Examination Report  (Original)

9. 財力證明(USD3000)(影本1份)/Financial Statement (USD 3000) (1 copy)

10. 租房合約(影本1份)/Accomodation Rental Agreement (1 cop

11. 租房同意書/Rental Consent Form

(**若住學校宿舍,無須提供租房資料。)(**If living in school dormitories, there is no need to provide rental information.)
